April 11-13, 2024 - Christian Life Assembly, Camp Hill, PA
Welcome to the official site for the Northeast Global Methodist Church Convening Annual Conference event! There have been hundreds of hours of planning and many passionate volunteers who have committed to making the vision of the Northeast Global Methodist Church a reality and we are honored that you are considering attending this historic event where we will transition from a Provisional Annual Conference to an Annual Conference. The two- and one-half day event is in-person and will be live-streamed for remote attendance. This site is designed to answer all your questions about attending the event.
A document summarizing our Convening Annual Conference is available here.
A copy of the Vision Statement shared by President Pro Tem, Rev. Steve Taylor
Questions & Answers from our Panel Discussion
featuring Bishop Mark Webb, President Pro Tem Steve Taylor, & President Pro Tem Leah Hidde-Gregory
From the very beginning, every discussion held by the Northeast Transitional Conference Advisory Team (TCAT) included this question, as a way to hold ourselves accountable. I’m thankful for a team of people who have been so willing to keep pressing us to answer this question. A movement is grounded in grassroots passion. A movement is individuals, leaders, churches, districts, and even a conference praying fervently for a move of the Holy Spirit. All godly movements are fueled by people on their knees crying out to God to move again and still. That’s where it starts.
It’s also about the Conference being permission-giving and allowing our local churches to give life to their ministries, while not overburdening the churches with extra connectional funding, more paperwork, or more hoops through which to jump. We will need to have SOME of that, but we hope we have that in a right balance to keep resources at the local church for fueling the ministry of worship, mission, and evangelism.
Don’t expect the Conference to give you everything you need to thrive where you are. The guiding philosophy for the GMC from the beginning has been to have only the structure and staff needed to help local churches thrive. So, own your ministries, processes, and the mission to which God has called you. Avoid waiting for the ‘Conference’ to tell you how to make disciples. Jesus already did that and no one can improve on it. We will work to resource us as we go, but ministry decisions are yours, guided by the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and GMC Book of Doctrines and Discipline.
That’s the challenge, isn’t it? From day one, the GMC Transitional Leadership Council has tried hard to live into a new way of being a denomination. We’re creatures of habit, who often resist the new way of things. Believe me when I say when we change too much, we get ‘feedback’. And when we’ve not changed enough, we get ‘feedback’. The smaller footprint of the denominational structure is one safeguard. The checks and balances between the Bishops and the TLC is another, new way, of relating to and holding each other accountable. But mostly, it goes back to the Movement – letting local churches do ministry and not trying to tell you what to do and how to do it. There are some helpful and useful, Spirit-led parts of the Methodist way that we’ll continue to do. But, at the end of the day, worship, loving, and witnessing are not just buzzwords. THAT IS who we are and what we need to focus on. Class Meetings and Bands are THE pathway forward for each Wesleyan-Methodist disciple. We often get pushback when we communicate that there’s an expectation in the GMC that every person in every church be part of a Class Meeting. This is more than Sunday school, as we’ve known it, or even small groups. Sunday school and small groups have their place, but we want to create disciples who do life together and hold each other accountable to worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly…for Jesus and because of Jesus.
(From Steven Taylor) I just left the local church after 20 years of preaching, leading, and ministering. Over those 20 years, I’ve had times of growth and times of contraction. That’s normal, I think. Yet, I’ll tell you that for the past year, the church I served began a process to recapture a passion for Wesley Class Meetings. This is a weekly gathering of people who have walked through Kevin Watson’s Class Meeting book, and the WCA Vision of Accountable Discipleship. They are fired-up with questions like, “How has God been working in your life?” and then encouraging each other, praying for each other, and drawing others in. We must get bold with our witness to our neighbors, friends, family, community, and beyond. Discipleship starts with people passionately doing life together with others who are growing in their faith, and when spreading scriptural holiness across the land. We call people to repent, have faith, and live in holiness.
We have a plan! Well, actually, we have a team that will be prayerfully strategizing a vision for what this will become in our Conference and in the GMC. We know that we have many places around the world where orthodox Methodism is scarce to non-existent. Places like Washington, D.C., parts of New York and Pennsylvania, and whole regions of New England. We also have large areas where local churches are still in lawsuits and legal action against their UM Conferences. We will keep praying for them and be ready to either welcome those churches into the Conference when they can disaffiliate, or begin to plant new churches from former congregations that could not disaffiliate. That’s already beginning to happen in parts of the region. We also need to train church planters and tap into the wisdom of those in our Conference and in the GMC who have planted churches. The GMC has partnered with The River Network, to train church planters. Our President Pro Tempore Steven Taylor, will be participating in the next Multipliers Learning Community with The River Network, so he is trained in the strategy of multiplication as he leads us. More information will be coming. In addition to the spending resources we’ve set aside for church planting strategy and vision, let’s all support the Conference Church Multiplication Fund, where all donations are dedicated to church planting.
We know more churches will align with the Northeast GMC! In the Northeast, we have churches in some regions that have been really harmed by the UMC’s costly disaffiliation policies and are still hurting from it. Trust is a critical issue in the process of giving churches a pathway for aligning with the GMC. We will always be ready to welcome churches into the GMC and we have teams of people ready to go out to talk with churches who are still discerning that. I know some churches and clergy are waiting for the GMC General Conference to see what changes are made and what parts of the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline are solidified. We continue to want to be a collection of churches who are willing and ready to be part of the GMC. We don’t want anyone to feel like they have to be part of the GMC ‘or else’. If you know of churches that are still in the discernment process, reach out to me or the Northeast Jurisdiction of the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) team who is always ready to share information.
When we first decided to have one geographically large conference, we were expected 125-150 churches to align with the Northeast GMC. We currently have 175 churches and more coming each month. Praise God! Hopefully, we’ll gain more after disaffiliations are completed, maybe a new pathway from the UMC, and after some of the regional lawsuits are settled. Yet, the goal will always be to grow to a point that we need to divide. The TIMEFRAME for that is very murky at this point. The Church Planting Strategy and Visioning Team will help. The Presiding Elders will help, along with the Conference Leadership Council. We will get a better sense of this by engaging with other Conference Presidents Pro Tem and by going through the Multipliers Learning Community. If you’re interested in that discussion, reach out to Rev. Steven Taylor (staylor@northeastgmc.org) and we’ll see how we can plug people in.
Bishop Webb and President Pro Tem Taylor work together closely to care for the congregations, clergy, and leaders in the Annual Conference. Bishops in the GMC are General Superintendents of the church, tasked with defending the faith and casting vision for the GMC. Bishops are also tasked with fixing appointments and ordaining clergy in addition to the general oversight of the church. The Presidents Pro Tem are the day-to-day operations persons for each Conference. We’re in a unique situation in the Northeast because our Bishop also resides here, and has a very good working and personal relationship with our President. The President is the Conference Superintendent who works with the Cabinet and Conference teams to ensure the vision and culture of the Conference is cast and grown. There’s more coming to General Conference that will delineate the work of the Presidents and Bishops.
So far, this has been somewhat challenging because of the density of our churches in some areas of our Conference. We have many pastors who are ready to come to the GMC, but are locked into certain geographic areas. The Northeast Conference Cabinet, made up of the 22 Presiding Elders across the region, prayerful and innovatively deploy clergy leaders to churches awaiting pastors. We also are lifting up Certified Lay Ministers (CLMs) and Supply Pastors, where needed for a season, while we discern the best pastoral leadership options for each church. We have clergy and church profiles to help us gather the information about where clergy are needed. Rev. Rob Townsend, Dean of the Cabinet, has been leading the appointments effort, which began last year when we were a TCAT, with sub-teams across the region. In some places, this is a slower process than we would like. Some of that is the result of clergy not wanting to move too far from where they are currently living, and the fact that we have part-time churches that are not near other churches, to create a full-time appointment.
The Cabinet, the churches, and the pastors will work together to fill appointments, move to churches that are open for appointment, and prepare churches for new appointments. The goal is to leave pastors in place unless there is a missional need to make a change. There is no specific appointment ‘year’ so pastors can move anytime throughout the year, to fulfill the mission. We can also connect with other Conferences to make cross-Conference appointments as needed. At some point, we envision a list of churches that need pastors, so pastors can review that list to see if they feel God calling them to a new region or area of the Conference. The place to start is with your Presiding Elder and then the Cabinet. We are working diligently to identify opportunities and connect pastors to churches who need pastors.
We haven’t talked about timeframes, per se, either at the TLC (Transitional Leadership Council) meetings or within the Conference. It will always be the goal to help churches be aligned with the GMC or help them make the decision to choose a different path. I’d say clergy will need to also make that decision within the next year.
We hear the frustration in this question. We have a CLM classification in the GMC; however, it is different than in the UMC. You can read about Certified Lay Ministers in ¶402 of the Ministry of the Called: https://globalmethodist.org/what-we-believe/
All of your credentials can be transferred into the Conference with this application: https://tinyurl.com/Apply-as-a-CLM
We’ve tried to help lift up the ministry of our lay speakers, lay servants, and CLMs. The Board of Ministry is working hard to develop a new pathway for CLMs to be aligned with the Conference, trained as laity serving in the local church, and equipped to come alongside others who are serving in this capacity. However, sacraments are reserved for the ordained clergy in our Methodist polity and in the GMC.
The culture of the Northeast GMC local churches is that we will not only disciple the people in our churches, but make disciples who go out and make more disciples. For many, Christian apologetics is one way to share the Good News, sharing the Good News through a winsome and logical approach to evangelism. Polemics is a term that is less used, since it has a more confrontational tone and approach in many settings. However, it’s clear that we are called to stand on the Word of God and present our reasons to believe in Jesus Christ as Son, Savior, and Lord, in many different ways to a lost and hurting world. Our local churches know their communities and their regions. As we get to know each other better across the Conference, we will share ideas and equip each other. Right now, there are no plans to institute are large-scale effort in the Conference for this approach to witnessing boldly. Churches are free to develop those strategies and share them with others.
Each of the 12 states in the Northeast Conference has different legal requirements and rules for how local churches are incorporated, what bylaws need to convey, and the process for being a legal entity. In most cases, bylaws must include a clause that relates our local church governance to the Transitional Book of Doctrine and Discipline (TBDD) whenever there is discrepancy or questions of structure and leadership. As stated in the TBDD, local churches have some leeway to determine how they organize, but must always comply with the TBDD when there are differences. We’ve done our best to give latitude for local churches to operate in ways that best meet their needs. If you have specific questions, start with your attorney and then let us know if we can help.
Technology has been a real godsend for connecting us in the Northeast; however, as we know, video conferences can only take us so far in our authentic connection with each other. In the coming months, the Presiding Elders and President Pro Tem are planning for regional gatherings to begin to connect local churches and clergy together. Gatherings across the Conference are also ways to connect regions together. We will need to be very creative in the ways we gather people together in the same room, to help us create genuine community. If the Convening Annual Conference in April was any indication, we know that people are hungry to come together to worship, celebrate, talk, serve, and be equipped together. If you have ideas, we’d love to hear them: info@northeastgmc.org
This is something that is just getting started, as we create partnerships with other Conferences across the denomination. The connection that all the President Pro Tem’s have, along with Bishops Webb and Jones, is helping us develop a world-wide network of leaders. After this year, and the Convening General Conference, there will be a growing number of opportunities to identify places of need and help connect local churches to those needs. It’s early on in the process, so we ask for patience as we solidify our work together.
There may be from time-to-time and we will share them when available. We encourage people to use the resources that are already available from Seedbed and other places. If you have questions about a specific resource, contact your Presiding Elder to discuss it: https://www.northeastgmc.org/leaders/
A Message from the President Pro Tempore, Rev. Steven Taylor
Greetings in the name of Jesus! I am excited that the Convening Annual Conference for the Northeast GMC is being planned and is soon to take place. We have an incredible opportunity to come together from across the Northeast GMC for the very first time to celebrate and be inspired in this new orthodox Methodist movement which is growing in our region and spreading across the world!
The theme for our Convening Annual Conference comes directly from Galatians 5:25 “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the spirit.” We’ve prayerfully planned this gathering as a special way to empower our churches to walk by the spirit as we live into this new movement, which honors our rich Methodist heritage. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly and we will live out this mission at the Convening Annual Conference. Of course, we will have some important formation documents to approve and clergy to ordain as deacons and elders, which will set the course for our future together. Yet, we are committed to spending significant time gathering as a loving community to pray, worship and celebrate together. We have some gifted leaders from across the connection who will inspire us to live out our call to discipleship and mission for this new movement. We will meet and pray over our leaders and Conference teams. We will spend time connecting with old friends and meeting many new ones.
I look forward to meeting you in Camp Hill, PA and to all the great things ahead in our region and around the world. I encourage you to pray for movement of the Holy Spirit as we meet in April. I will be praying for all of those who will be traveling from thirteen states to be part of this event. May God truly bless our time together as the Northeast Annual Conference!
Blessings, Steve
Convening General Conference Delegate Nominations
The Northeast PAC will be electing lay and clergy delegates to represent our area at the historic Convening General Conference September 20-26, 2024, in San Jose, Costa Rica in September 2024. We have been asked to elect 8 delegates, 2 alternate delegates, and 2 reserve delegates; these delegates will be equally divided between laity and clergy delegates (6 laity + 6 clergy = 12 total delegates).
The documents below contain the profiles of the individuals who have been nominated to serve as delegates from the Northeast Provisional Annual Conference at the Convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church. We are grateful to God for those who have been nominated and are willing to be considered for this important role. We ask that you please take time to read the profiles and to pray that the Holy Spirit would guide the election process.
Paragraph 611.6 of the Global Methodist Church (GMC) Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline (TBDD) provides that “clergy delegates shall be members in full connection in good standing of the Global Methodist Church or its predecessors, who have served a minimum of two years preceding their election.” A clergy person is in full connection if he or she has been ordained as either a deacon or elder (or To Be Ordained Deacon or Elder in this transitional period). There is no requirement that a deacon or elder be under appointment to be elected as a delegate to general conference. Supply pastors, transitional local pastors, and valid elders or deacons (see paragraph 416.2 of the TBDD) would not be eligible to be elected as clergy delegates to the convening general conference. Senior clergy are eligible to be elected as delegates (see paragraph 418 of the TBDD).
Paragraph 611.6 of the Global Methodist Church (GMC) Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline (TBDD) provides that ”Lay delegates shall have been professing members of the Global Methodist Church, or its predecessors, for at least two years.”
Agenda & Speakers
Thursday April 11, 2024
- 2:45pm – Ordinand Registration
- 3pm – Check In begins
- 3pm – Prayer walk over the venue
- 3-6pm – Ordinands Meeting with Bishop Webb (Dinner at 5pm)
- 6pm – Clergy Session & Laity Session
- 6:30pm – Break
- 7pm – Worship Opening Celebration
- Opening Welcome – Bishop Mark Webb and Rev. Steven Taylor, Northeast PAC President Pro Tem
- Speaker – Ms. Emily Allen (Asbury Seminary Ministry Candidate)
Friday April 12, 2024
- 8am – Doors Open and Gathering
- 9am – Worship
- Speaker – Rev. Steven Taylor-President Pro Tem
- 10am – Panel Discussion
- 10:45am – Break/Coffee/Snacks (pre-packaged and fruit)
- 11am – Plenary Session
- Annual Conference Business
- Introduce General Conference
- Introduce/explain Election of General Conference Delegates
- 12pm – 1:30pm – Lunch (off-site, on your own)
- 1:30pm – Worship
- Speaker Rev. Leah Hidde-Gregory, Mid-Texas PAC President Pro Tem
- 3:00pm – Break
- 3:30pm – General Conference Delegation Voting
- 4:30pm – A Time of Prayer
- 5pm – Dinner Break (off site, on your own)
- 7pm – Worship
- Speaker – Bishop Emeritus Young Jin Cho
- 8:45pm – Ordination Rehearsal
Saturday April 13, 2024
- 7:30am – Ordinands arrival time (Photo with Bishops Cho & Webb)
- 9am – Ordination Service
- Speaker: Bishop Mark Webb
- 12pm – Benediction and Sending
- Closing of Annual Conference
Emily Allen is the Coordinator of Worship at Asbury Theological Seminary where she is a current MDiv student, planning to graduate in 2025. She is a 2020 graduate of Houghton University with her Bachelor of Arts in Theology and a minor in Biblical Studies.
Emily is passionate about worshiping Jesus and raising up leaders in the church to do the same. Her favorite part of her job is working collaboratively with the 15 person Chapel Intern Team, as together they learn the theology of worship and plan Chapel services. She also has interest in the fields of spiritual formation and discipleship, church music, outdoor leadership, and all things British!
Emily currently resides in Wilmore, KY but calls Penn Yan, New York home. She is “To Be Ordained”Deacon in the Northeast Provisional Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church.
Young Jin Cho (Bishop Emeritus) graduated from the Methodist Theological Seminary in Seoul, Korea (Th. B. and Th. M.) and came to the United States in 1979 and continued to study at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. (M. Div. and D. Min.). He was transferred to the Virginia Annual Conference in 1983 and served the Korean UMC of Greater Washington in N. Virginia for 22 years.
During his tenure the church grew into the largest United Methodist congregation in the Virginia Conference measured by worship attendance. In 2005 he was appointed to District Superintendent of the Arlington District, serving in that capacity for 7 years and overseeing the planting of several new faith communities. He was elected and consecrated as Bishop in the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in 2012. He served the Virginia Annual Conference for four years and retired in 2016. His consistent message had been “No Spiritual Vitality, No vital Congregation.”
In retirement Bishop Emeritus Cho remains engaged in ministry and mission. From 2019 to 2022 he helped three Korean congregations as an interim pastor and has been serving as a co-mentor of the Bishop Cho Scholars (D. Min. Program) at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. He is also involved with Durihana Mission, which works with North Korean refugees in the United States.
Bishop Emeritus Cho has been married to Kiok Cho (Retired Deacon) for 48 years, and they have three adult children, Grace, Sophia and Chris and two grandchildren, Luke and Lily.
Dr. Leah Hidde-Gregory has served as President Pro-Tem of the Mid-Texas Provisional Annual Conference since November 1, 2022. During her ministry, she served as a laywoman in the Oklahoma Conference and as a pastor in the North Texas and Central Texas Conference, as well as a District Superintendent for six years in the CTC. She has sat on the Transitional Leadership Council for the Global Methodist church since its formation.
Leah has a heart and passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. She spent much of her ministry in church revitalization, revival and church growth. She is excited about the Global Methodist Church and the orthodox Wesleyan witnesses which is being awakened within our congregations as they discern their next faithful step.
She holds a Doctorate in Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.; a Masters of Divinity from Perkins School of Theology; and a Bachelors in Psychology and Sociology from Texas A&M Commerce. She is married to the love of her life, Stan. They have two grown daughters and son-in laws, and a son, Will who is still at home.
Rev. Steven Taylor serves as the President Pro Tem of the Northeast Provisional Annual Conference. Steve has been a follower of Jesus his whole life, but felt Gods call on his life when he was 12 and again at age 28. He’s been a Methodist pastor for over 20 years, ordained as an elder in 2011. In March 2020, Steve became a founding member of the GMC’s Transitional Leadership Council, helping to shape and steer the new world-wide Methodist denomination.
Steve grew up in Lancaster, NY and was baptized, confirmed, and heard his call to ministry through the Methodist Church and Christian camping. Steve holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from SUNY ESF and a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. Prior to answering the call to pastoral ministry, Steve worked for 10 years at an international consulting firm as a professional environmental engineer. He has served on The Confessing Movement Board of Directors, the regional Wesleyan Covenant Association board, and multiple leadership teams. Steve and his wife, Stacy, have two grown and married children, two grandchildren and one due in May 2024, and now reside in Syracuse, New York. Steve enjoys flying his drone, disc golfing, hiking, archery hunting, motorcycle riding, and spending lots of time with family.
Mark J. Webb currently serves as a bishop in The Global Methodist Church.
He was elected a bishop in The United Methodist Church and consecrated on July 20, 2012, at the Northeast Jurisdictional Conference. Mark served as the episcopal leader of the Upper New York Area of the United Methodist Church from September 1, 2012, until December 31, 2022. On January 2, 2023, he was received as an elder and bishop in The Global Methodist Church.
Mark holds a M. Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Shippensburg University. He also holds a graduate certificate in nonprofit management from the University of Connecticut.
He served pastorates at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Mechanicsburg, Pa. from 1994-2007, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Wormleysburg, Pa. from 1991-1994, and Linglestown United Methodist Church from 1989-1991. He served as District Superintendent of the York District of the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church from 2007-2012.
Mark currently serves as a Trustee of United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio
He received the Harry Denman Evangelism Award in 2002 and in 2018, was named as one of the top 100 leaders by the John C. Maxwell Transformational Leadership Award.
Mark encourages clergy and laity to work together in the development of discipleship pathways that will point people to Jesus Christ and bear fruit for the kingdom of God. He has a passion for Christ-following leadership development, new faith communities and ensuring existing congregations grow in vitality and fulfill the mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly and witness boldly”.
He is a native of Williamsport, Pa., and is married to Jodi. Mark and Jodi live in Lititz, PA and have two sons, Tyler, who is married to Lyndsay and Benjamin, who is married to Mary.

Location: Christian Life Assembly, Camp Hill, PA
The Convening Annual Conference will be held at Christian Life Assembly, 2645 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011 | 717-737-6560
Ordination Information
The Board of Ministry is asking all those who have been approved for ordination as a deacon or elder and are seeking to be ordained at the Convening Conference to fill out the “Ordination Registration Form.”
Schedule for Ordinands:
2:45pm – Ordinand Registration
3:00pm – Ordination Meeting with Bishop Webb
5:00pm – Ordinand Dinner
8:45pm – Ordination Rehearsal
7:30am – Ordinands arrival & Photo with Bishops Cho & Webb
9:00am – Ordination Service
Need more information?
If something has been unclear, you’re having trouble with the registration, or you’re looking for more information, please feel free to email us at info@northeastgmc.org.
Moving in the Spirit
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25