Connectional Funding
Through your connectional funding contributions, you join with your sisters and brothers in Christ to provide the financial resources for the creation of a healthy and vibrant denomination dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Each local church is responsible to calculate the amount it will pay for connectional funding. How do you do that? Use the “Connectional Funding Worksheet (.XLSX)” spreadsheet to make the calculation using the previous year’s income. Read the “What Is and Is Not Operating Income (PDF)” document below to help you to calculate your income.
The Worksheet will calculate the 1% yearly Connectional Funding for the General Church and will also calculate a monthly rate. Below that is the 3% yearly Connectional Funding for our Northeast Annual Conference and the monthly rate. Please note that these rates are only for 2025. Each year is subject to change as needed. There are current caps of 1.5% and 5%, respectively, for our Connectional Funding.
On a regular basis, you should send a portion of that amount to the general church and a separate portion to the Northeast Conference. Advance payments are welcomed at our Northeast Conference. Local congregations will not receive a bill from either the Global Methodist Church or the Northeast Annual Conference unless you specifically request one.
Payments can be made through the portal below or can be mailed to the address on the Remittance form. Please submit your Worksheet form at the beginning of the year and submit a Remittance form with each payment, either paper form or online form is fine.
The documents below will guide you through the connectional funding process. If you have any questions, you can reach out to our Conference Treasurer, Erika Renwick, at
All people reconciled to God through Christ
Jesus said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of people.”
Matthew 4:19