September 12, 2024 Devotional

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
—2 Corinthians 9:11

I remember playing Monopoly as a kid and I never did very well. I’m pretty sure that I never won, even though I may have been in the final 2-3 gamers a few times. It’s not my favorite game, but not because I have trouble buying and selling property and bartering for conglomerates. I just never seemed to get the whole concept of having the right amount of (fake) money and (fake) properties and then leveraging those against my opponents. I apologize for the Monopoly fans out there 🙂

The Apostle Paul in our verse for today was writing to the Corinthian Christians, who were certainly not rich by any worldly standards and didn’t have much in the way of property (church buildings, large parking lots, outreach centers, discipleship wings, etc.). The thought is that they mostly met in the houses of believers and did their best to encourage each other, use what resources they had for the mission to meet needs and spread the gospel. It’s plausible that some of those early believers had businesses and other trades that generated income, but after a transformational encounter with Jesus through the witness of the Apostles, even those followers of The Way had a new perspective on the use of money and resources. In addition to that, those early believers had time, prayer, presence, service, witness, and grace to share with those around them and each other. Paul was helping them to see that they could use what they had to sacrificially help others find and follow Jesus.

When Paul said they would be rich in EVERY way, he wasn’t only talking about potentially financially (maybe not even primarily). He was declaring over them that God provides for all the things they need and in abundance, so that, they would be blessed as they were generous in all things and in EVERY way that Jesus invited them to give. This is far from the health and wealth gospel preached in some strains of Christianity today. This is humbling – offering all we have in service to the One who gave all for us. In the Global Methodist Church, our local congregations are invited to be generous in their churches and communities, and also in the conference and denomination through connectional funding. As we are made rich spiritually, relationally, connectionally, and in EVERY other way, we receive the incredible invitation to bless others generously. All of that, Paul said, results in thanksgivings to God! And giving thanks to God – and having others do that because of us – is an amazing place to be.

Now, where did I put that Monopoly game? I have some blessing and thanksgiving to generate!
