Northeast GMC Connection
…updates from the Northeast Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church
New Years Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! I pray the beginning of this new year has been blessed and fruitful!
Welcome! Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that, “To everything there is a season…” On January 1, 2024, the Northeast Region became a Provisional Annual Conference (PAC) of the Global Methodist Church (GMC). After over one year of praying and planning, a group of 31 gifted leaders from every corner of the Northeast Region approved and submitted a proposal to the GMC Transitional Leadership Council (TLC) to launch the Northeast PAC. When one season ends, another begins, for the glory of God and the Methodist movement in the Northeast.
Thank you for joining us on this journey. We know that some who are reading this are fully- aligned with the GM Church, others are in the process, and still others are watching and hoping to someday be Global Methodists. This letter is for all of you in any season.
The Northeast PAC is now just over three weeks old, and the mission and vision of the region are beginning to come to life. This Connection serves as a way to communicate and inform congregations, leaders, and pastors in the Northeast, and to encourage and inspire this movement that has begun to gain momentum. If you have questions to ask or topics you’d like to discuss, you can send those to and we’ll address those in the coming months.
In this letter, I am providing a brief update on some of the first steps we’re taking as a new GMC Annual Conference. As we move forward together, we will provide regular updates so that information is available for all.
Below is a list of efforts that are already underway. Much more information will be coming that gives more details to the many efforts currently being started in the Northeast PAC. Please stay tuned!
• The Northeast PAC includes 12 states and Washington, D.C. We are a large geographic area, bound together in mission to worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.
• We are in the process of registering the Northeast PAC in all 12 states in the Northeast and Washington, D.C., as we extend our reach in the states where we currently have member churches, and those we don’t yet.
• Church planting will soon become an organized effort within our Conference, and we are seeking to talk with those who are interested in church planting.
• Our Conference bank accounts and financial management policies are in place and will soon be ready for us to use.
• The first meeting of the Appointive Cabinet took place on Wednesday, January 17.
• The first meeting of the Finance and Administration Team took place on Wednesday, January 17.
• The first meeting of the Board of Ministry took place on Monday, January 22.
• Future meetings are planned for the Conference Leadership Committee, the Nominations Team (Leadership Development Team), and the other teams formed at the outset of the Conference.
• We have a new website: On the website, you can find a map of our Northeast PAC churches, a list of leaders, information about Connectional Funding, and a sign-up link for our email list. Our Conference Leadership is listed on the website, so you can be praying for us.
• We also have a Facebook page with lots of information and updates! Check it out:
• We currently have 23 Presiding Elders serving the Northeast PAC, each caring for 4-12 churches in their districts, while also leading their local churches. Congregations and clergy (appointed and assigned) will be hearing from your Presiding Elder soon, if you haven’t already. We’re excited for the new connections that are already being made!
• The Appointment Process was cared for well by a Team from the Transitional Conference Advisory Team, and will now be the responsibility of the Appointive Cabinet of Presiding Elders.
• We have already fixed 12 appointments and have approximately 20 more to make throughout the region. We covet your prayers. If your church is waiting to hear from the Appointments Team, we ask for patience as we make the transition to the Appointive Cabinet.
• Churches in the Northeast PAC are invited to begin giving Connectional Funding to the Annual Conference and to the GMC denomination. The TLC approved our Connectional Funding rate of 3% of operating income to the Northeast PAC. The GMC also is asking each church to give 1% of their operating income to the denomination. You can submit that GMC denominational connectional funding here:
• Soon, a brand-new page on the Northeast GMC website will be launched to give all the information you will need to submit the Annual Conference Connectional Funds each month, including a worksheet, remittance form, and online (using Realm) and check giving instructions.
• As of December 2023, the Northeast PAC has received over $58,000 in Connectional Funding and has now had that transferred to our PAC bank accounts.
• Our Convening Annual Conference will be held April 11-13, 2024 in Camp Hill, PA! Registration for Annual Conference will be live on the website around February 1, 2024.
• We have a great line-up of speakers and many times of worship. The Ordination Service will be held Saturday, April 13 at 9am and our bishop, Mark Webb, will preside. We will have some brief times of the business of the Annual Conference, Clergy and Laity Sessions, and times to get to know each other across the Northeast.
• The Convening Annual Conference Sessions will also be livestreamed.
• Those being ordained will be contacted soon, and if you believe you are an ordinand and don’t hear from the Board of Ministry, let us know at
• At our Convening Annual Conference, we will be electing GMC General Conference Delegates from the Northeast. More information will be on our website soon, but there will be a self-nomination form and process to be on the General Conference Delegate ballot at our Annual Conference session.
It is an honor and privilege to serve as the President Pro Tem of the Northeast PAC. I currently am serving in this role part-time as my wife, Stacy, and I make the transition to full- time in April. We ask for patience as we all grow together into this new movement of the Spirit in our region. If you have questions or ideas, please feel free to email me. On behalf of Bishop Webb, our leadership teams, and those ministering together with us in this region, welcome! We can’t wait to see how God will use the Global Methodists of the Northeast for His glory and the good of the world!