May Prayer

Prayer Points for the May:

  • The GMC General Conference delegates, our planning and preparation, especially those traveling to Costa Rica from the Northeast region in September.
  • The Cabinet (Presiding Elders and President Pro Tem) and the appointments process for churches seeking pastors and pastors seeking appointments.
  • Development and growth of the culture and vision of the Northeast GMC through a move of the Holy Spirit.
  • For the Transitional Leadership Council and all the transitional commissions that are working prayerfully and diligently to prepare for General Conference.
  • Growth for our Northeast GM Churches and growth of the GMC around the globe.
  • For all those churches still working to be released from the UMC to align with the GMC.
  • For our Bishops, Presidents Pro Tem, and all the GMC Conference leaders around the world.

Open Prayer Meeting – May 28

Open Prayer Meetings are held at 7pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month.

All are welcome!

May 28, 7:00 pm

Join Zoom Prayer Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 4134 9144
Passcode: 562319