May 16, 2024 Devotional

Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. —Amos 5:14

These prophetic words from Amos were originally aimed at the people of Israel, during a time in their history when they were straying from the commands of God for His people. The first four chapters of Amos’ prophecy and lament are judgment on the ways the people had been unwilling to return to the Lord and His ways. By the time we get to chapter 5, Amos was ready to give them this edict: “Seek the Lord and live!”

I would encourage you to go read the words of Amos today, as we move into a new season of ministry and mission in the Global Methodist Church. There were certainly many phone calls, emails, and text messages received last week from leaders in the GM Church, who are ready to guide pastors and churches into this new orthodox Wesleyan movement of the Holy Spirit. From the very beginning, the leaders of the GM Church have strived to be warm-hearted and winsome as clergy and churches left the UM Church and discerned that aligning with the Global Methodist vision was the right one for them. We have welcomed all those who are aligned with our mission to worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly, within the method and polity of this new movement. We will continue to welcome more and more people into the GM Church through affiliations, church planting, and increased gatherings of people seeking the Lord.

In all that, we, who are part of the GM Church, are called and charged to live fully and faithfully into this new movement. Part of that is to hear and heed the words of Amos to the people of Israel with fresh ears for today: “Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.” For me, that reminder brings incredible hope and joy, while calling me to account for the ways that I’ve not only walked apart from the Lord’s will, but for the time I’ve spent lamenting and living in the past. The past is not where we live, church! We live in the present and have hope for the future. If we say that God is with us, then it’s always time to live like it – to seek good and not evil, and to welcome the presence of the Lord in our midst as we bow before Jesus in humble obedience to His commands and his word.

Today, seek good right where you are. Reject evil in every form that presents itself to you, taking every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5), and living into the pursuit of holiness that is prompted and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Lord God Almighty IS WITH US. Let’s LIVE!
