June 6, 2024 Devotional

Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. ~Hebrews 3:13

There’s incredible power in community. When we remove ourselves from community or even a relationship that God has called us to have, we lose out on the power of that community.  Like a log removed from a fire that quickly begins to grow cold and lose all its coals, a person or family that finds themselves disconnected from the other members of the body of Christ (the fire) become spiritually colder until they, one day, find there is no fire at all. John Wesley often cautioned the early Methodists to keep kindling the fire of the Holy Spirit and of revival, which was at the heart of the Methodist movement.  That fire – the fervent passion for the gospel to be spread as scriptural holiness across the land – burns brightly in us in community, as we worship, love, and witness together.

There are many benefits to faithfully serving, worshiping, and being connected to a congregation of believers and worshipers, but the most important one is to encourage each other with the fire of the Holy Spirit that connects us.  The author of Hebrews reminds the church that this encouragement must come daily – a daily walk with others and connection to the fire. I love the added command, “…as long as its called Today…” There’s never a wrong time to encourage another disciple or someone in need. But the reason is not to simply encourage someone or cheer them up. The reasons the author gives is to prevent that person from being hardened by sin’s deceit. When we are connected and holding each other accountable (through loving discipleship), praying for each other, meeting together, and having fun, we also are SEEING each other. To see each other is to not only be encouraged but to encourage one another and to grow in holiness together.

I’m thankful today for the ‘logs in the fire’ at every congregation of the Northeast Global Methodist Church. We are a team that likes to encourage each other, love each other, forgive each other, and grow in spiritual maturity together. Keep going and growing, and as you stay faithfully connected to the fire, may sin be defeated in your life by Christ and may we be sanctified in Him!
