July 18, 2024 Devotional

Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. … Blessed are all who take refuge in him. Psalm 2:11-12

One summer, my brother and I went on one of our annual motorcycle trips. When we left, the weather was decent, but we knew we were heading into some potentially nasty weather. As it turned out, the weather forecast was correct and it started to rain, thunder and lightning, and got very windy and dark. As we were making our way down a fairly busy two-lane road, the waves of water just kept coming and coming. At one point, a large truck drove past us on the other side of the road and it sent a literal wave of water on top of both of us. It was at that point that we both started to get quite concerned for our safety. Even though we are both experienced riders, we sought shelter under the overhang of an abandoned restaurant, which just barely got us out of the downpour. It was a refuge for which we were very thankful! We sat to wait out the storm and rejoiced in God’s provision in that moment.

Many times in our lives, we get scared or concerned because of our circumstances or what might happen in the future. Threats come into our lives and minds by way of our sin, the sin of others, our bad choices, or circumstances. In those times, we often look for shelter anywhere we can find it. If we choose to take shelter in the things or ways of this world, it will only lead to more fear and uncertainty. If we choose to put our trust and faith in God’s refuge, hope and peace are offered by a loving and gracious God. The psalmist in our verse for today must have been recalling a time when he/she needed shelter from a ‘storm’, and knew, by faith, that only God had – and could – provide full refuge. God’s shelter is far greater than a small overhang in front of an abandoned building.

Maybe the lesson here is not about the storms at all, but about the One who has the power and presence to invite each one of us into His shelter for refuge in any storm. Our only response, as we recall the times when God has taken us into His shelter (and the hope we have for God to do that again), is to bow in reverent fear and joyful trembling before the Triune God of the universe. Because God is power and presence for us, our only response is to obey and serve with everything we’ve got.

Are you practicing the way of Jesus by being fearfully and joyfully obedient to the Father? Are you running into the arms of a loving God for shelter, instead of anything else? The storms will come, but blessed are those who take refuge in Him alone.
