January 9, 2024 Devotional

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13

When I was a teenager, a buddy of mine and I had a membership to Gold’s Gym. We drove to work out several times per week, mostly lifting weights so we could increase our muscle mass and try to impress people who are impressed by those things (which isn’t many). My buddy was stronger than I was and that meant that he could lift more and heavier weights than I ever could. Even though I tried hard, I just didn’t have the strength to lift the weights that I wanted. My buddy couldn’t give me the strength I needed, either. So, my weightlifting career fizzled out before it really got much momentum. I just couldn’t do everything I wanted to do, just because I wanted to do it.

Our verse for today, while often quoted out of its context as a way of justifying that I can do everything I want, gives us a very succinct clue into the source of our calling as Spirit-filled saints. The answer is not that we can do whatever we want. Paul’s proclamation, here, is that through Jesus, we can do everything that God is calling us to do, empowering us to be, and equipping us to engage in. Paul started his letter to the Philippians by giving us the most incredible word-picture of Jesus – humbled and human, yet willing to forsake his continued divinity, in order to die on a cross and be exalted to the highest place. It’s in that context that Paul then reminds the church that they can do everything through Christ, who, in his weakness gives us strength for today and every tomorrow.

The Church (capital C) is called to be set apart for God’s holy purposes, filled with Holy Spirit and God’s grace, and ready to live as saints in the world for Jesus. We are called to be steadfast, be unified, be wise, be Spirit-filled, and be ready. We are called to be the church today and every tomorrow until Jesus returns. We can’t do any of that in our own strength, but through Jesus’ death and resurrection power alone.

So, can you do everything? Nope. That would probably not end well for a wide variety of reasons. Yet, you can do everything God calls you to do! 100% – if we do that in the strength of Jesus, who became nothing so that we could do everything through Him. Praise be to God who gives us strength!
