January 4, 2024 Devotional

He [the Word, the One we know as Jesus,] was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. —John 1:2-3

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024! As I reflect on 2023 and look forward to 2024, the word that keeps coming to mind is change. Now, I know that life is a continuous series of changes – family, church, work, culture, technology, and just about everything you can name. Many times, change is challenging and tends to shift the “sand under our feet” a little. There are those who like change and those who don’t. There are others who are change agents, who are called to initiate change and lead others through it. There are still others who find ways to avoid change at all cost. In life, change will always come. When we spend a few minutes at the beginning of a new year to take stock of how God is at work in our lives, we also come to realize that God invites us to grow – spiritually, which always requires change.

The Good News is that God never changes! From the beginning, our Triune God has existed, created, loved, and graciously invited us into relationship with God. There has never been a time or place where God has not, is not, or will not be present and active. Often, the times when God is MOST at work is in the changes in our lives. The times when we are not sure of our next step, next meal, next decision, or next moment of obedience. It’s in those times when we are called, gently and graciously, to turn our hearts and eyes to a powerful, sovereign God, who has it all in view, even when we don’t. It’s not something we’re always comfortable doing, but when we do trust in the Lord for the next moment (or the next year) we grow and change and move deeper and deeper into relationship with God. After all, Jesus has it all in his hands, from the beginning to the end. May our trust grow this year, and may that growing trust give us confidence to serve and love God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.