“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,
because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
I’ve never really been one for New Year’s resolutions. I’m not sure why, but it seems like I’m continuously trying to improve a lot of different things about my life and ministry. Putting that much pressure on myself at the beginning of the calendar year seems, to me, to be a recipe for disappointment. If you’re the type to lean hard into those resolutions, I’m rooting for you!
Maybe there’s a bigger picture here. Stacy and I often get the opportunity to worship with many different congregations, and I’m always blessed when led by others in worship. I remember one such opportunity when the pastor gave a great message that launched from the fact that it was New Year’s Day. His question was, “Are you making New Year’s resolutions, or are you leaning into God-solutions?”
That caused me to think about my own life, the church, and our world. In our verse for today, the author of Hebrews (we’re not sure who that was) made the very simple point that God is with us in everything. We heard during Advent and Christmas that Emmanuel means God with us. The author of Hebrews takes that a step further and reminds the church that in order to live into the reality of Emmanuel, we must trust God with our lives, our church, our families, our community, and all things (like our finances). In fact, we are to love nothing but God as we live into our calling to be disciples of Jesus, God’s Son.
So, what are we to do about it? The God-solution for 2025 is pretty simple. Know what Jesus did. Spend time with Jesus daily. Do what Jesus does. Worship Jesus. Be content in Jesus. He is enough for everything. If your resolutions are pointed toward God’s plan for your life, then I’d say they are pointing you in the right direction.
Happy New Year! This will be the best year EVER. I know that because we will follow Jesus together wherever He leads us!
Now, it’s time to hit the gym!