February 6, 2024 Devotional

“If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”  ~Mark 9:23

Some things in life just seem to be impossible. Whether it’s a circumstance in your church or family that simply doesn’t seem to resolve in the timeframe we’d prayed for, or a diagnosis that isn’t given much hope, even with a second opinion. We often want answers and solutions, but we find ourselves wondering how God will make a way where there seems to be no way. I’ve been in a few of those situations, and I know you have as well.

Our verse for today is set in a larger narrative about a kerfuffle that occurred one day when the disciples attempted to heal a boy and were not able to do it. The person asking for the healing of his son was pretty sure that if he could get to Jesus, his son would be healed, despite the failed attempts by Jesus’ disciples. In some ways, I can feel for the disciples and their desire to solve this problem but not being able to. Some things in life seem to be impossible.

Setting aside the apparently impatient response of Jesus to the disciples and the crowds (“You faithless generation”… Mark 9:19), we get to a place where Jesus is ready to heal this boy. After a few questions to the father to determine how long the boy has been like that, the father finally throws up his hands in apparent frustration and says, “If you are able to do anything, have pity on us and help us.” Jesus’ response is immediate and clear, stating that with faith (belief), all things can be done – even the healing of a boy. The father then, in a moment of humility and faith (the size of a mustard seed), simply proclaims, “I believe; help my unbelief!” This is one of the most honest and real responses to Jesus that we read in all of the New Testament. This father knows that he’s been desperately seeking a healing for his boy and is not sure how to get there. Yet, when he bows before the Healer, this man’s faith—as honestly raw and incomplete as it was—is exactly what Jesus was seeking him to express so that Jesus could show the mercy the man sought. The father was in jaw-dropping awe. The disciples learned a lesson. And, for all time, we who follow Jesus are encouraged and inspired by this miracle to keep growing in faith, bowing before the Healer, and to pray and fast for every impossible circumstance in our lives to be healed and reborn.

Whatever circumstance in your life seems impossible right now, begin to allow Jesus to heal that by bowing in surrender to Him. Believe, even as Jesus helps build your faith through His faithfulness. Everything is possible through God.
