Understanding the Call: Spiritual Gifts – Course *Registration Extended*


July 22, 2024    
11:59 pm

Event Type

Course Title: *Understanding the Call: Spiritual Gifts

Course Code: FCoSSG2024. 

Foundational Course of Study Spiritual Gifts Year

Text: Each One a Minister by William J. Carter (amazon)

 “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:2-4.

In this course the students will gain a deeper understanding of their call to salvation and the call through their baptism to be in mission in the world. The students will deepen their understanding of why and how the Holy Spirit has equipped them with the gifts and graces to carry out the Great Commission.

Tuesdays: July 30, August 6, 13, 20, and 27:   6-9 pm                  
Zoom: Fee  $20
Instructor: Jacqueline Kim, CLM
To register for this class please contact:  arlenedschmidt@gmail.com
Registration due July 13th 

This is one course The Global Methodist Church Laity Equipping Team (LET) has scheduled from July to November 2024.
Please remember that you MUST attend all class times and dates to receive credit.
No refunds or credit for courses will be given. All registrations and course fees MUST be in by the date due.

Required courses to be eligible for Certified Lay Minister (CLM) certification will have an * (asterisk) in front of them. 

Contact the email under the course schedule for more information or to request a registration form.   Participants are responsible to purchase books for courses attending. Books To Be Determined (TBD)  by the instructor.