August Prayer Points

Prayer Points for August:

  • Blow a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit in the churches throughout the Northeast and the entire GM Church to inspire passionate worship.
  • Plant the desire and opportunities to love extravagantly in our families, churches, communities, world, and online through social media.
  • Prepare the space where the Convening General Conference will be held in September in Cost Rica and unify the delegates to work together to shape the GM Church as God desires.
  • Bless and sustain the Northeast Conference Cabinet (Presiding Elders and President Pro Tem) and the appointments process for churches seeking pastors and pastors seeking appointments.
  • Give clear direction to the GM Church Transitional Leadership Council to finish well and prepare for General Conference and to steer the denomination into a fruitful future.
  • Give patience, stamina, and hope to those UMC churches and clergy who are praying for a new day as they discern aligning with the GM Church.
  • Raise up your people from across the Conference and world to find ways to plant new churches in new places to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Open Prayer Meeting – August 27

Open Prayer Meetings are held at 7pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month.

All are welcome!

August 27, 7:00 pm

Join Zoom Prayer Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 4134 9144
Passcode: 562319

Devotional by Rev. Joseph Saunders

Who are you?

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, found in Luke 18: 9-14, is a familiar Parable to many of us where we see the contrasting ways that two people pray. The Pharisee is full of pride and self-righteousness, while the Tax Collector recognizes his sin and unworthiness before God. Both men are sinners; however, their focus is different. The Pharisee thanks God that he is not like others, whose sins he is quick to describe, instead sharing how he fasts and tithes. By comparison, the Tax Collector beats his chest and asks God to be merciful to him, a sinner. He makes no excuses and compares himself to no one. He comes to God feeling unworthy because of his sin, expresses his regret and repents.

In Luke 23:47-49 we encounter observers to the death of Jesus. The centurion proclaims “Surely, this was a righteous man” and the crowds beat their chest as they realize the tragedy of what occurred, many of them having been Jesus’ accusers. This day, their lives changed.

Are you the Pharisee, the Tax Collector or the Observer? Do you focus on the sins of others, not acknowledging your own? Do you recognize your sin and cry out to God for forgiveness? Or do you see the tragedy after it seems to be too late?

Jesus wants us to know that this is where we begin: recognizing our unworthiness before God because we are all sinners desperately in need of forgiveness. If you have never prayed “Forgive me for I am a sinner”, today is the day. It is not too late. You do not need eloquent words, you simply need to be like the Tax Collector: a broken man seeking a moment of holy grace with a loving God.

A Special Invitation

The Prayer Committee of the Transitional Commission on Convening General Conference (TCCGC) is excited to invite you to participate in a special season of prayer and fasting in preparation for our upcoming historic Convening General Conference. This intentional period of dedicated prayer and fasting designed to empower the Lord’s work through the Global Methodist Church, as we unite around the theme of the Convening General Conference: “So the World Will Know.” This initiative offers an excellent opportunity for us to demonstrate our collective dependence on the Lord’s empowerment to fuel our movement.

We also encourage regional gatherings for prayer, which can be held individually, corporately, or even as concerts of prayer, both in person or electronically.

Prayer Guides for Convening General Conference