August 8, 2024 Devotional

May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains. 2 Timothy 1:16

What does it mean to be an encourager in Christ? It seems to be a rare thing these days for someone to help someone who is obviously struggling. My daughter took her two young kids to the grocery store a few weeks ago and they were tired, cranky, and not quiet about it, as children are who learn to use their vocal cords. Needless to say, she needed help with the groceries, the cart, the kids, etc. Instead, she got sideways glances from the staff, the other patrons, and passersby. Even the cart-person was unwilling to help her, despite her obvious distress. I’d like to think that I would’ve helped a stranger in need, but until that situation comes up, I’m not totally sure. What would it takes for us to be encouragers, who are responsive to the Holy Spirit?

Will you be an encourager today? Will you find and see someone who is stressed, sad, angry, lost, broken, tired, or without hope and seek them out to give them a word of encouragement? This is the work of Christ in our midst.

When the Apostle Paul was writing to Timothy, he wanted Timothy to know that Onesiphorus was an incredible encouragement to Paul when Paul spent some time in Rome. In fact, Onesiphorus actually sought Paul out to encourage him, even when everyone else rejected Paul because he was in prison, persecuted, and, by cultural standards, less than. Yet, because Onesiphorus sought Paul out, his name will forever be known as the one who found Paul and met his needs. In return, Paul prayed a blessing and grace over Onesiphorus and his whole household because of the bold witness it was to help Paul.

So, will you be an encourager today? Will you look around you and find just one person to build up, in Jesus’ name? If you’re the one needing to be lifted up, will you allow someone else to encourage you by praying with you, giving you a cup of cold water, per se, and finding hope in the words of someone else? It may even take a simple ask to give or receive that blessing. Jesus said we should love our neighbors. Let’s love extravagantly today, church.
