January 30, 2024 Devotional

“My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations.
The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm.” Isaiah 51:5

You’ve, no doubt, heard the phrase, “I feel like I’m on an island.” Islands, by definition, are surrounded by water, cut off from the world, and sometimes inaccessible. If you say you feel like you’re on an island, what that usually means is that you feel like you’re separated, isolated, or standing alone in opinion or belief, or just lonely. There may be lots of circumstances where and when you feel that way—in your family, at work, in the church, in your community, or just inside yourself. It’s not always a good feeling, but what might God be showing you on that island? What might God be teaching you? If there’s a Spirit-led conviction and humility attached to that feeling of temporary isolation, it may be right where God wants you to be. If you’re alone on an island, that is a place to hear God speaking. In those moments of standing alone, the one thing that is also present is the promise of God to never leave you nor forsake you. Sometimes, that Presence is for encouragement and stamina. Other times, the Presence of God can bring correction or an invitation to move.

For the people of Israel, the prophet Isaiah was speaking about God’s desire to bless them right where they were. In fact, this section of the book of Isaiah is about God’s promise of what was in store for the people if they were faithful to Him and pursued righteousness in His name. As they allowed God to be their leader and the One whom they worshiped and to whom they were faithful, God would uphold His end of the Covenant with them. And, He would not delay or withhold His blessings and provision. Even those who were on the margins (the islands or coastlands) would experience the blessings of God.

So, are you feeling like you’re on an island? Are you feeling like your decision to stand for God’s Word and His will has you squarely on the margins? God sees you there. If you’re waiting for the encouragement that comes in the place of the wilderness, turn your eyes to Jesus, who knows you. Jesus is in the margins as well as in the middle. Jesus’ salvation and righteousness are near – in fact, are here! Sit. Wait. Be in the Presence today and allow Jesus to encourage you and prepare you for hope!
