September 5, 2024 Devotional

We constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling,
and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. 2 Thessalonians 1:11

As our students go back to school across the Northeast, I love seeing pictures of congregations that gather the students, staff, and teachers together to pray over them. It’s sending them into their future plans not knowing exactly what God will do in the season ahead. They have a future and dreams and maybe some fear ahead for them, and we will, indeed, keep praying for them.

In our verse for today, the Apostle Paul encouraged the Thessalonians by telling them that he, and others working with him, were praying for them. But he wasn’t just praying for them, but “…constantly pray[ing] for [them]…” But it was WHAT they were praying that had the real power: (1) they were praying that God would count them WORTHY of his calling; and (2) they were praying that by his power, God would fulfill every good purpose and every act prompted by faith.

To be found worthy of the calling is to have the humility and Christ-like motivations to love God and love others. This worthiness is not something we can earn or create in our lives. Worthiness comes only through our faith in Christ as Lord and Savior. It’s HIS worthiness that is imparted onto US so the we can be worthy of God’s calling in Christ.

Then, as the church invites and receives the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, God would fulfill, or complete, in them, every holy purpose and energize every faithful act. This is about heart and hands being used by God for His holy kingdom purposes – to extravagantly love the lost and least, to boldly witness to and serve the broken, and to live in prayer and passionate worship. The church found worthy is the one whose focus is on Jesus. The church which is enacted by power and faith to act does what Jesus did.

Have a great school year! We’re praying for you!
