Connectional Funding Information


Dear Local Global Methodist Church,

Greetings in the name of Jesus! We are very grateful your church is a member congregation of the Global Methodist Church and part of the Northeast Provisional Annual Conference (PAC). Our prayer is that God will keep working through every local church so together we are making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

As a member congregation, you are invited to invest in this important movement through Connectional Funding. Now that you are a member congregation of the Northeast PAC, we invite you to join with your sisters and brothers across the region to provide the financial resources for the continued creation of a healthy and vibrant denomination and conference dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

The pages that follow contain information about the basis for connectional funding as Global Methodists, ways to give as local churches, and resources from our Northeast PAC website to help church leaders engage together in Connectional Funding. We invite you to read through this document carefully. If you have questions, you can reach out to our Conference Treasurer, Art Kendall ( or me (

Blessings, Steve


In the Global Methodist Church, local congregations will not receive a connectional funding bill from either the Global Methodist Church (GMC) or their Provisional Annual Conference (PAC). Instead, a local church calculates the amount it will give for Connectional Funding and then, on a monthly basis, sends a portion of that amount to the general church (GMC) and a portion to their PAC. The following information will guide you through that process.

Connectional funding is addressed in ¶349 of the Transitional Book of

Doctrines and Discipline. The GMC Transitional Leadership Council (TLC), in this season, has set general Connectional Funding remittance at one percent (1%) of a local church’s operating income. Below are examples of what is and isn’t considered to be operating income.

For 2023, the TLC set the Connectional Funding for the Northeast Region at one percent (1%) of a local church’s operating income. For 2024, the Northeast Provisional Annual Conference rate is three percent (3%), as approved by the TLC. Thus, there are two categories of Connectional Funding – one for the general church and one for the provisional annual conference.

NOTE: The Northeast GMC Conference leaders and the Transitional Leadership Council understand that some churches set 2024 spending plans late in 2023, which included 1% for the denomination and 1% for the annual conference, which was the transitional rate, prior to launching the Provisional Annual Conference on January 1, 2024. If making the adjustments in 2024 spending plans for 2024 is difficult for your local church, we understand and we invite you to request a waiver or partial waiver for connectional funding, and set your planned giving for 2024. The request can be sent to your Presiding Elder. We request that you discuss your willingness, as a church, to increase connectionalgiving to 1% for the denomination and 3% for the conference as soon as possible, but no later than January 1, 2025. Your church may decide to increase connectional funding to the full rate in the second half of 2024, or through additional giving, as determined by the local church. Know that we appreciate your willingness to engage with your sisters and brothers in moving towards full connectional funding in the GMC and Northeast PAC.

We have online links to a Connectional Funding Worksheet you can use to determine your church’s Connectional Funding giving amount. In addition, we have included a link to a Connectional Funding Remittance Form for communicating relevant payment information. Both of these forms can be accessed on our website:


Your local church treasurer or designee will calculate the amount to be given, based on your local church’s prior year operating income. This means that for 2024 the calculation is based on your 2023 operating income.

  • What constitutes “operating income” is defined in ¶349.3. ¶349.3a provides that local church operating income includes: “Giving from identified and not identified donors, investment income utilized for operations, building use fees and rental income, and other unrestricted operating income.” You enter these amounts in the appropriate cells listed under “Included in Operating Income” on the worksheet. The worksheet automatically calculates “Total Operating Income” once you have entered the data.
  • ¶349.3b for the exclusion of certain types of revenue from local church operating income. It excludes: “Benevolences (outside ministries supported by the local church), capital campaign receipts, borrowed funds, fundraisers for non-operating expenses, receipts for reduction of indebtedness, memorials, endowments, and bequests whether restricted or non- restricted, receipts for Global Methodist Church special mission programs, grants and support from other organizations, sales of land, buildings or other church assets, and other non-operating income received.” Income from these sources should not be included in the categories which constitute operating income on the worksheet.
  • The worksheet automatically calculates the local church’s “Yearly General Church Connectional Funding” (see Row 13) and “Yearly Annual Conference ConnectionalFunding” (Row 21). The worksheet then calculates the local church’s monthly payment for General Church Connectional Funding (14) and Annual Conference ConnectionalFunding (Row 22).

*The entire Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines of the Global Methodist Church can be accessed here.

Each January a local church treasurer will be provided a new connectional funding worksheet to the Conference Treasurer, based on the Connectional Funding rate set by the TLC or the annual conference members in the prior year’s annual conference session. Your church then makes its Global Methodist Church Connectional Fundingpayment either through electronic transfer using this link (our much-preferred method): or by check payable to:

Global Methodist Church
11905 Bowman Drive, Suite 501A
Fredericksburg, VA 22408

In addition, your church will make its Northeast Annual Conference Connectional Funding payment either through electronic transfer (our much-preferred method) using the following link: or by check payable to:

Northeast Annual Conference of the GM Church
c/o Art Kendall
PO Box 584
Rock Hall, MD 21661

Payment of your Connectional Funding by electronic (ACH) is beneficial not only to the general church and annual conference, but also to your church. Since the amount of the payment does not change from month-to-month, paying electronically allows you to set up recurring payments once per year rather than expending the effort to generate and mail a check each month. Instructions for setting up electronic transfer payments are found in the following pages.

Local churches can send more than one month’s payment at a time. However, we encourage local churches to send Connectional Funding payments on a monthly basis.

We look forward to receiving your local church’s Connectional Funding Giving and to sharing with you the fruits of our connected ministry.

In Summary:

1. Within the first few weeks after receiving these instructions, the Connectional Funding Worksheet for 2024, scan to an electronic file, and email to the Conference Treasurer, Art Kendall, at

2. When you are ready to make your first month’s connectional funding payment, either:

A. Set up your electronic ACH giving account through the Realm link to Connectional Funding at this website: and submit your monthly or recurring payment.


B. Mail your first annual conference check, after having emailed your scanned Remittance Form to, to:

Northeast Annual Conference of the GMC
c/o Art Kendall
PO Box 584
Rock Hall, MD 21661

3. Then, either:

A. Set up your electronic ACH giving account for the denomination through the link to Connectional Funding at this website: and initiate the first Global Methodist Church payment.


B. Mail your first Global Methodist Church check along with the Remittance Form to:

Global Methodist Church
11905 Bowman Drive, Suite 501A
Fredericksburg, VA 22408

4. If paying Connectional Funding at this time of transition creates a financial hardship for your church, please contact the Northeast Provisional Annual Conference Treasurer, Art Kendall at (410) 708-3456 to discuss your situation.

Thank you!